Thursday, January 30, 2014


Am I overloading you with chances to win stuff yet? :)

No??? Didn't think so.

I am hereby holding a contest for creating the book trailer (again, the OFFICIAL book trailer) for OF NEPTUNE. Last year I was blown away by your entries, so I can't wait to see what you come up with for the final installment of The Syrena Legacy trilogy!

Now, since book trailers involve a bigger time investment than designing a book mark (I'm also running a bookmark design contest here), I've decided to offer prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. If you're an aspiring writer, you'll be interested in these prizes. If you're a reader, you'll be interested in these prizes.

If you're both, you're super duper interested. Trust me on this.


A 50 page manuscript critique from my agent, the magnificent-in-every-way Lucy Carson of The Friedrich Agency.


A $150 gift card to the book store of your choice.


You get to name a MAJOR character in __________ which, as you  may have guessed, is my next top secret project (it's a sci-fi!)


A query letter critique from my agent, the magnificent-in-every-way Lucy Carson.


A $100 gift card to the bookstore of your choice.


You get to name a minor character in ____________, my next top secret (did I mention it's a sci-fi!) project.


A query letter critique from yours truly, plus a phone call from me to discuss.


A $50 gift card to the bookstore of your choice.


A signed/personalized copy of OF NEPTUNE. 

Here are the rules:

1.) You have to use the blurb for OF NEPTUNE to create the trailer. As in, you get no extra spoilers. I'm not saying you HAVE to include a single word from the blurb (but it's a good idea), I'm just saying that's all you have to go on. And remember, the goal is to make the viewer want to read the book right-freaking-now.

2.)  The trailer should be at least 30 seconds long. (This is a suggestion, not a strict rule though.)

3.) By entering, you agree that you have access/rights to all content used in the trailer. As in, some dude's not coming after for me for using his music/images when I post the crap out of this book trailer. And post the crap out of it, I will.

4.) By entering, you agree that I can post it wherever the fancy strikes me. I'm going to be bragging about this, rest assured. If you're one of those shy artist types, this contest is not for you. You also NEED to include your information in the credits. GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT, peoples! Show the world the shiz you can do!

5.) Unlike last year, this contest is open INTERNATIONALLY. So for my international friends, show me the goods! :)

6.) When your entry is complete, email it to ofneptunebooktrailer (at) gmail (dot) com as an attachment. You are not officially entered if I do not respond to your email indicating I've received it! Feel free to harass me until I acknowledge receipt. Seriously.

7.) Have fun. Because if you don't, and you stress out about it, then you'll hate me, and possibly Galen or Toraf, and I couldn't stand for that. Rayna maybe. But not Galen or Toraf...

8.) Contest deadline is March 31, 2014.  


  1. This is exciting. I was just thinking about making a book trailer for fun, which sounds weird but is true.

  2. Why do you always offer such awesomely enticing prizes! :-D Still pounding away at my novel changing the awesome would that be if I had rock-star Lucy read the revamped MS? EEEK! You rock Anna!

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