Yes, thaaaaaa's right.
You guys blew me away with your entries for the Of Triton bookmark contest. (Truly. Madly. Deeply.)
Soooo I've decided to hold a contest for creating the book trailer for Of Triton. Now, since book trailers involve a bigger time investment than designing a book mark, I've decided to offer prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. If you're an aspiring writer, you'll be interested in these prizes. If you're a reader, you'll be interested in these prizes.
If you're both, you're super duper interested.
A FULL manuscript critique from my agent, the magnificent-in-every-way Lucy Carson of The Friedrich Agency.
A $100 gift card to Barnes & Noble.
You get to name a major character in OF NEPTUNE, the third and final installment in the Syrena Legacy series.
A 50 page manuscript critique from my agent, the magnificent-in-every-way Lucy Carson.
A $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble.
A signed (and/or personalized) copy of OF TRITON.
A query letter critique from my agent, the magnificent-in-every-way Lucy Carson.
A $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble
Here are the rules:
1.) You have to use the blurb for OF TRITON to create the trailer. As in, you get no extra spoilers. I'm not saying you HAVE to include a single word from the blurb (but it's a good idea), I'm just saying that's all you have to go on. And remember, the goal is to make the viewer want to read the book right-freaking-now.
2.) The trailer should be at least 30 seconds long. (This is a suggestion, not a strict rule.)
3.) By entering, you agree that you have access/rights to all content used in the trailer. As in, some dude's not coming after for me for using his music/images when I post the crap out of this book trailer. And post the crap out of it, I will.
4.) By entering, you agree that I can post it wherever the fancy strikes me. I'm going to be bragging about this, rest assured. If you're one of those shy artist types, this contest is not for you. You also NEED to include your information in the credits. GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT, peoples! Show the world the shiz you can do!
5.) The contest is open to US/Canada residents only. For legal reasons only, I promise. I LOVE my international fans. Sorry. :(
6.) When your entry is complete, email it to byannabanks (at) gmail (dot) com as an attachement. You are not officially entered if I do not respond to your email indicating I've received it! Feel free to harass me until I acknowledge receipt. Seriously.
7.) Have fun. Because if you don't, and you stress out about it, then you'll hate me, and possibly Galen, and I couldn't stand for that. Mkay?
Monday, April 1, 2013
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Holy effinh crap. o___o Why is it not summer so I can throw someone with a blond wig in the ocean and film it (in a non creepy way)without them getting hypothermia???
ReplyDeleteThis is a really awesome idea. Wow!
ReplyDeletecan you use stock videos like nature documenteries in your trailer?
ReplyDeleteOoh, what about music? I suppose we have to have the rights to music to use it, right... ?
ReplyDeleteWhen are the video winners going to announced? I'm way too excited to wait!
ReplyDeleteI missed it. :(
ReplyDeleteI don't think so....
ReplyDeleteI am Mariam used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes...i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (Priests Abija); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps for free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn't mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I'm sure any help/ extra work will benefit him here as (518) 303-6207 or He travel sometimes.i cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap,love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,HIV AIDS,it's all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something
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