Saturday, December 11, 2010


I've been working on revisions of my first novel, a romantic suspense, requested by an editor of a small press. I've got no problem with the revisions requested; in fact, I was excited to make the changes, as I wholeheartedly agreed with them. I'm finished with the revisions and have turned them in, and I should know by Dec 20th whether or not I have myself a contract.

But I wanted to share this experience with everyone: My voice changed! It had been a while since I even opened this manuscript to look at it. Since then, I've been working on my new YA paranormal (no fangs, claws, or wings, thankyouverymuch!) and I'm writing it in present tense teen-voice. So when I went back to make the revisions on my adult romance (where the main character is a doctor) I felt like a stranger in this world I'd created. Seriously, I felt it would be easier to cram into my nine-year-old's tights than re-create the original voice of the manuscript.

Plus, I kept writing it in present tense, no matter how many glasses of wine I drank. In the end, it took me and my critique partner combing through the manuscript as if looking for present-tense lice. When we both agreed it was good, I submitted it.

Is it good enough? I don't know. Am I nervous? You bet your sweet aspercreme I am! Still, we all know that writing is re-writing. Revisions are to be expected. And I'm thankful to have added "Revision Request" to my writing experience, even if I'm not offered a contract.

My question to you: Have you ever disagreed with a revision request and why?


  1. Meh - not sure if what I've gotten counted as a revision request or not. On Blood Rage earlier, the two e-presses who offered contracts both required that I stick full-blown sex scenes in (I'd faded to black). One wanted as many as I could find in, the other just required one to completion. I ended up making the revision, because in today's market it does seem necessary most of the time for there to be all-out sex (I could use metaphors though - heh).

    I didn't like doing it, but doing that sex scene was probably one of the hardest things I've EVER done as a writer. It took me 6 weeks to do a full rewrite (plot changed, minor characters changed, etc., title changed) of that book. It took me 40 days to write the first draft of my second book. It took me more than a MONTH to write that one, single sex scene for Rage. I had a major mental block against writing sex. But, I will say this. It sorta opened the floodgates because the second book featured an incubus and, er, yeah. I had no problem getting sex scenes in, all the way through. Well, okay, those scenes were the last I wrote, but they didn't take NEARLY the effort the one did for Rage.

  2. Tory-I was wondering if someone would mention sex scenes. Oddly, they did not request it for this novel, even though it is a romance and does not have any. In this particular case though, sex would invalidate the plot. Did the contract they offered HINGE on you adding sex, or did you already sign THEN they asked you add it?

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  3. I'd have to agree. Romance is not my thing, yet here I am trying to write it. There was once a thing called sensual romance, closed door sex, but publishers want to know more. And I don't feel comfortable with that, even if they ask for metaphors. So, I didn't do it and turned it in anyway. We'll see what happens now. Maybe they'll change the genre, or make me elaborate on the sex scene, or drop me all together.
